Replace a Node within Graph

I have an existing graph that I am reworking to serve another purpose. An original node serves input data to five other nodes. I want to change the input to another node and would love a function that allows me to pick up all five links and shift them to the new input.

Hold down shift, click on the old output port, and then drag the connectors to the new output port.

You can also select several nodes first and you’ll just disconnect and reattach the selected nodes. :slight_smile:

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monocle has this tool:


Thanks jacob, and it worked for not just shifting all connectors, but selecting a portion of the receiving nodes, then using Shift+ to drag just that group of connectors.

One more tip: select the node, hit tab, and you’ll automatically select all the nodes which are connected to it. You can then deselect the one node instead of selecting the many nodes while omitting one.

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