Renumber views on sheet

I have recreated a definition to renumber views on a sheet based on the order they are selected. I can get the selection created but the numbers are not updated. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

“True” on your boolean?

I have tried that.

Try this:

Still nothting

Ok I figured it out! It was a combination of JacobSmall’s help andRenumber_Viewports Detail_Number in the first code block is what was wrong. Here is the correct definition cleaned up for everyone’s use. Thank you for everyone’s help!


Please Package if possible. I like it!

Hello, maybe someone could help me to find out why this is not working? And why I am getting this IndexError?

This post is +2 years old and already solved. Best to start a new topic and link back here.

My apologies for bumping an old topic but had some difficulty as I was following this thread and building this script. Just wanted to clarify in case someone else has the same issue in the future. Keith’s post #6 states that the “Detail_Number in the fist code block was wrong” and the screenshot posted still showed the old “Detail_Number” in the code block. What I had to do to get this script to work was to enter “VIEWPORT_DETAIL_NUMBER”; into the code block. I also had a little trouble finding some of the old nodes and was able do dig up some other versions. I’m including the script that I built to help possibly save some people a little time in building it. At any rate, thanks to all in this thread, the script is amazing.

Detail Renumber.dyn (22.1 KB)

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