Rename ElevationViews from 'Room Elevation By Curve' node

I followed this tutorial to Elevation Views from Rooms:

I did some minor modifcations such a searching for Rooms with a specific name,
My aim is to rename the Elevation Views according to the Room number and name they are in.

This works for one Room I have located on one Floor Plan:

In the project browser:

It makes all the Elevation Views. However, my script fails to rename the Elevation Views correctly if I place multiple rooms. When I place a Room on a different Level I also get an error.

The Node View.ElevationByCurve seems to create names for the ElevationViews.
My attempt at renaming multiple Elevation viewsfails.

two rooms elevations

Here I can select the list item to rename a specific ElevationViews by Room, I tried flattening the list. But then it does not rename the ElevationViews anymore.

How can I rename all the ElevationViews with the corresponding Room Name and Room Number?

The Dynamo script:
maak_aanzichten_van_rooms_v2.dyn (100.2 KB)

I’m getting a similar issue; the generated views get a set of “default” names from the Juggernaut node.

I can rename the views by SetParameterByName("View Name", view_name), but after I name the views, I can’t re-run the script without it telling me that I have duplicated view names (say, if I don’t like the elevation view placement distance from the wall and I changed the offset and re-run the script, it won’t let me), I know the reason for that so I tried to set the views with a temporary name first (see code block below), and rename them back to the actual names I wanted, but that still doesn’t work.

@Claus, have you managed to work out a solution? Would be nicer if Juggernaught had a view name input.