Rename Available Families <> All Elements of Category

This graph works to rename Families, but the Family processed has to have an instance placed in the model.
The Family Types node has list of Available Families, but I don’t find a way to get the families in a list in order to rename them directly.

Am I missing something?

Hi there :slight_smile:

There is a All Families of Category node in the Clockwork package that extracts all the families of a given category, may they be placed or not in the document. In my example, only the first family is placed.

Just replace the middle two nodes of the pink group with this node, that should do the trick :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to get this to work. What am I missing?

I think I found the issue… but I am not certain how to fix it. There seems to be node missing in the custom node.

I am using what I think is the latest version of Clockwork… 2.1.0

I think that with that version, you HAVE to use Dynamo 2.1 or higher. Is that the case ?

Also, from your second screenshot, it looks like that the node is in conflict with the archi-lab package somehow.

I have the latest stable version of Dynamo. Looks like Clockwork is newer. There doesn’t look like there was a 2.1 dynamo that was released as a ‘stable version’?
Does the version of Dynamo and the versioning of Packages correlate.


It appears you may be right about a possible conflict between Clockwork and Is there a way to fix the conflict… or am I stuck with deciding which one to keep?

I think I’ll do a post focusing on this conflict.

You’re right on this point.

Have you tried an older version of Clockwork (use a 2.0.1 version of the package if there is one, it might be the best).

I uninstalled archi-lab… the problem went away. I’ll re-install and try your recommendation and report back.

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Clockwork versions skip from 1.32 to 2.1
I think I’ll live without archi-lab.

So, here’s what I have so far using your recommended node from Clockwork, …the All Families of Category node
… only thing I am wondering now, is if there is a Family Type that should be renamed also.
How can I include Family Types? There is a All Family Types of Category also in Clockwork library but just how to incorporate this, I am not certain.


Hi Mike,

This is how you can Filter all FamilyTypes in your project with OOTB nodes.

Types_UsedAndUnused.dyn (10.7 KB)

Kind regards,