So my script make floors from rooms, i can set the floor type, level and height above level… by picking the rooms, that works great.
BUT, i have to close the dynamo file and reopen it to use it again with other rooms, because i can’t make a new selection…
tried boolean, but that delets the floor from before…so not an option or i used it wrong…
So that means there is no better solution other then reopen the dynamo file
Read about element binding and this obviously sucks. Dynamo Player is not an option for me, because i want to be able to change the settings and dont want to have dozens of dynamo files for that…
There is really no way to unbind all after the execution of the graph?
There is, if you create the floors for all rooms at once.
You can create a list of selected rooms (by selecting multiple elements or other methods of short listing based on outlined criteria)
As shown in the graph below, you could prepare a list of rooms, levels and floor types and create them at once.