I created really simple script to create floor from the room. I choose “select element in Model” as input for Dynamo Player. The script creates floor on the first run. At the second run when I want to select another room, Dynamo deletes the previous created floor. Even if i close Dynamo and run again he is gonna deleted the previous created one.
How to resolve this problem? Thank you in advance for your reply.
I guess here just replace floor.byoutline with a fresh one from your library and probably room finish boundery as well… then save dont run…and should work…but as @Josip.Komadina mention …element binding
Run it from Dynamo Player (or other 3rd party solution) and it will work as expected. I believe there are some Dynamo extensions that you can use to mange this as well if you want to stay in Dynamo.
Made a script again from the skratch but this time didn’t select room from the node “Select Model Element by Category” from Dynamo. I save and close the Dynamo script.
Open Dynamo Player and from Player everything was running very good.