Recovering Dynamo corrupted file

Good evening, i was working with the usual Dynamo script i’m using kinda everyday, then after Dynamo crashed i tried to re-open the script but it continues to say that the file is corrupted. Do you have any idea on how i could recover the file?
I’m using Revit 2020 and the versions of Dynamo are the following ones: Dynamo Core, Dynamo Revit

If could be useful, i’m posting the file of the script and a screenshot of the error.

Thanks in advance
RAI_BIM_Library_Template.dyn (15.2 KB)


Have you tried to rename it?
Have you tried opening the back up?
Have you tried cutting and pasting the code (from a note pad to another notepad) and saving the new file?

Can’t promise any of that will help but they’d be my first few actions.

Try opening the file in Dyanmo for Revit 2021, 2022, or 2023. May be a non-downgrading model issue.

did you find a solution on this? I´m running in kind of same trouble…