REBAR SCHEDULES like sofisik

Hi all

So Ive used sofistik for some while, it ended up being crappy with loads of bugs. Does anyone know of a software which just produces the same images like sofistik? We had so many problems with cranked bars and for the amount you pay for sofistik its nonsense.

@technitutors , hi

can specify your issue? I think we can find a workaround.
I know sofistik just from clean up my modell.

set some screenshots and a disired Workflow



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See below

The most important is the labelled image. Sofistik does not do well with cranked or undefined bars. You cant make out the image below

@technitutors , can show the element and how would you do it manualy? do have even a try in dynamo?

I found an addin called bim studio. So its all good

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