How can I Group Rebar?

Hi everybody !
I’m doing a rebar layout for a bridge pier, because the spacing of the rebars are different, I want to group them into a Group, like the “Group” tool of “SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing” !
Any help is appreciated , thanks !

Hi @phuongnt1.yame ,

Could you show some screenshots of what you have and what you want to do?
Grouping could mean different things in different contexts.

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Thank you for your help! I have made a short video you can check it out, my problem is how to group the rebars together like the “SOFiSTiK’s Group” tool using Dynamo

From the video i understand you want to group by shape and size in but this time in Dynamo?

That’s right, I want it done in Dynamo

Look at List.GroupByKey.

Hi @phuongnt1.yame ,

Check out this thread:

Hi, I am looking for the same thing, a way to create the SOFiSTiK RCD Groups via Dynamo. Did you find a solution yet?

Hi, what sofistik does is to use the RebarContainer Class from Revit API. This allow to group rebar items in a group, the only problem is that no edition of the bars candy be done after grouping.

To do it with dynamo you could use a python nose tho create that container
