Hello, I am trying to make this “spiral” rebar by some joining curves, but I get this error message. Can rebar by curve make a rebar out of a polycurve? Or do I need to convert it to a single curve somehow? And what should this vector parameter be?
Any tips?
Rebarbycurve.dyn (16.9 KB)
Does it need to be of planar curves? Maybe two semi circular planar arcs might work?
Edit: planar arcs but on inclined planes.
It needs to look like this, with 2 flat section and 1 inclined section, all in the same arc radius.
Tried with freeform rebar got erreor “BSplinecurve not implemented”.
Do I need to convert my polycurve into a single curve somehow?
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There is no such thing as a polycurve in Revit. Lists of curves, sure, but no polycurves.
Try exploding into a series of curves - should produce a list 3 levels deep, and see if that will provide the solution.