Reading Furniture Count from Linked Model

Hello All, Previously i was able to build this script with help from the dynamo forum. It basically reads furniture data from design options and writes the count to shared room parameters, so we can see the furniture count in our room tags.

It worked like a charm since all the rooms and furniture were in a single model. Currently trying to build another workflow where the furniture is linked into the architecture model. I am building this script to be run in the ARCH model, reading the linked FURN model data. Getting lost with how to filter the design option and FurnitureTypeMark data from the linked model? Would appreciate some thoughts and feedback.

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Hi @Faizan,

You can begin with this :

Replace the codeblocks x[0] with the filter of your choice.
There are alos probably some lacing and list level to set.


@Alban_de_Chasteigner Ahh seems like i was just missing the Genius Loci package :grin:
Great work with the design option node! Thanks again for your help.

@Faizan Please share your graph for counting furniture in room and place tag as you mentioned that you have developed the script already.