Read current projection line color/weight?

Is there a way to read the current projection line color and/or weight of a list of elements in the current view? I have found lots of nodes that can overwrite them, but I don’t want to change them. I just want to generate a list of the current projection line colors.

Is this possible or is it a limitation due to the nature of the same element being able to have different projection line styles in different views?

I set out to do this a while back. I was able to get the settings from the Visibility Graphics but if its set to default it returns -1. I was unable to find a way to gather the object styles in addition. It should give you a great start though. My post got hijacked before a resolution was found. Let me know how it goes.

It looks like that gets you the category overrides, is there no way to get element overrides?

I can see the property through the api here.

But I don’t see a get method to use to actually obtain that property form the element.

Oh sorry for the misunderstanding. I am not aware off the top oh my head how to go about doing that. Hopefully someone else will step in.

Hi Luke,

I’ve the node Get Elements Overrides that probably does what you are looking for:


thanks for this!

I looked in the node and it loads Color from DSCore.

How does one mortal know to load it from there when there is a Color Class in the Autodesk.Revit.DB Namespace ???

this always gets to me.

Later Edit:
ok i am a bit of a noob, thing is we need the Color from Dynamo and not Revit so I guess that’s why we need Color class from Dynamo and not from Revit :slight_smile:

Please correct me if i am wrong.