maybe a problem with the inputfile? we need get the path of file (not file), don’t forget the raw string if necessary
or a problem with file’s permission?
ok , now when I use it’s working but I have one problem, that is when I make update in csv file there is no change in dynamo I need to double check on node input to refresh … can i add something to the code to make it refresh automatic or maybe I should make input file as file from path not just file.
with open(inputfile) as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=’,’)
for row in csv_reader:
I will explain my problem to you deniz that in dynamo nodes when I use import\read excel or read from text node I can add file from path as a input but when I use import csv I can’t add file from path as it needs file directly so when I make edit on csv file there is no change in list