Ransac Plane Detection Update?


I am studying some applications of pointcloud in our workflows and came across the awesome Sastrugi package.

I am actually looking fow a way to convert an aerial pointcloud of residential roofs in revit geometry, I dont need a high level of detailing, the purpose is phovoltaic system design, but the ransac plane detection node is showing an error.

Apparently there is something wrong with my version, a Dynamo update change ? There other way to identify planes in a Point cloud ? ou fix this node ?

thanks in advanceCaptura de tela 2020-10-19 133950

As noted elsewhere, Points and Threshold are reserved keywords in the latest Dynamo version. Modify the custom node’s inputs to be points and threshold and then save the DYF and you should be fine.

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Thank you! I am gonna test tomorrow at the office

Sorry for the double post, I wasn’t sure if the other topic was on.

The plan is to find plans in Point clouds and bake simple house geometry to revit. I will problaby showi p here again asking for ideas haha

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