Random list of lines (Voronoi import pattern): Can we sync them?

Hello all, A problem was posed on the Dynamo subsection of the RevitForum.org website relating to Voronoi’s.

Without linking directly from the created Rhino file - is there a way to ‘re-order’ and associate disparate lines into ‘cells’ to form the outline for a Surface.ByPatch?

So rather than a “best way to do this using all software and workflows” (Although that solution would be welcome too!), this is more of a case of: Logically, how does one associate these into cells?

We have the following case: A Voronoi pattern consisting of 66 disparate lines, not linked to each other in any way. Any help would be much appreciated!

Hi Sol Amour,

here’s an idea : you can extrude those segments, join all surfaces you get as a polysurface and then use it to split the base face. You will get your “cells” as surfaces and can then go back to their outline with surface.perimetercurves . This is more geometric than logic but it gets you there fast …


Ah brilliant! Geometrical works for me :slight_smile: Many thanks Mostafa. I had already tried that approach but failed to join up the ‘surfaces’ extruded before I tried a splitting action - the key as it were.