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Workflow created with Dynamo for Civil3D 2022
There is a problem with RAM exhaustion when trying to run Dynamo for Civil3D 2025.
I’m running on the same terminal, same dwg, same dyn, and RAM=64GB.
There are no custom nodes.
The purpose is to extract the properties and make them into json, without changing or outputting the geometry.
The memory exhaustion is about 500MB dwg. A 10MB dwg won’t run out (of course).
*Due to company policy, it is not possible to upload workflows or dwg.
Dynamo for Civil3D 2022: Memory usage 35GB, completed in 5-10 minutes
Dynamo for Civil3D 2025: Memory usage 63GB, unresponsive for over 1 hour
Do you have any helpful tips for migration?
Or is there a way to save memory?
Are you sure that in 2025 there isnt a part of your script broken due to API changes? Ie can you run a singular or much smaller and get a result to compare against instead of a crash?
I tried with a small dwg input (10MB).
Then it outputs same result against Dynamo for C3D 2022 without RAM exhaution.
About memory, it was too short to check at task manager.
Hmm ok, i just thought i’d ask to help others help you.
Unfortunatly there isn’t much that can be done without example graph or file but others still might have insight as to the issue.
I’m not an expert in the concept on the Civil 3D side, but if this were Revit I would say it’s element binding at play as the second session for the same graph uses 2x the ram typically (and dyn file sizes go up exponentially).
Interesting about element binding.
Is it possible in 2025 to set (as in 2023) that Object binding should be stored only in drawing.
Does it make any changes?
On creating sample, I found out what cause the problem.
*the issue reproduces after copy all object for 10-20times
At C3D 2022, some null record appeared when processing big data (500MB).
Then I implemented extract null record and reprocess 2 times for safety.
(Orange group of workflow)
At C3D 2025, null data not appeared, but somehow memory explodes.
At present, I will delete the safty code for C3D 2025 user.
When delete the safety code, 2300MB → 4700MB at 500MB dwg file.