R25/Dynamo 3.3 & IronPython

With Revit 2025 & Dynamo 3.3, is there no way to continue using IronPython? I have downloaded the latest IronPython 2.7 build ‘3.2.1’ and it appears to load in without issue but I no longer can see it as an option in both features or the python node.

Main reason for wanting to continue using it is having python nodes across scripts which are being used in older projects (back to 2020/21 for a handful) and will continue to be in those versions until completion.

IronPython 2 can be used in 2025, but it is not recommended as it is a security risk. “We didn’t do a save as on the graphs as we wanted to use the same content in older builds and so now the whole firm is offline while we are dealing with a ransomware incident” likely isn’t something you want to have to explain to your management chain.

But if you really do want to go this way, make sure you haven’t loaded an older version into the environment (i.e. a version 2.x) as that will block execution.

You should also install Revit 2025.4 while you are at it - those updates are important.

I’d like to add that IronPython2 is no longer updated (the IronPython Team is focusing on IronPython3), so there’s really no guarantee that IronPython2 will work on Net Core9 and higher.

for Revit 2025 and higher I would recommend to migrate to IronPython3 or PythonNet3


I understand the reasoning but I don’t believe it’s as simple as doing a save as to update these graphs. cpython3 isn’t available back in 2020 (as far as i know) so what would i be able to do in terms of updating the graph whilst keeping it usable across all versions? These are referenced in a tab via pyRevit hence the reasoning for keeping the same file working across all versions.

Same file working across all versions isn’t achievable.

Do a save as, update the engine, modify any of the scripts you wrote, and then deploy 2025. This is the best practice for all customizations in Autodesk software since the 1980’s.