Hello friends,
I can no longer put off updating to a newer version. Everything work perfect in 2022 - nothing works in 2024 basically. I think it would be best not to downgrade the installed versions to previous, but upgrade the the newest node packages. However, I dont know whats the best way. I looked into “Node Autocomplete” with no great result. I tried to find “Node Lookup” nodes with no result. Also the the Clockwork nodes Room.windows and Room.doors seemse not working either. Not working with existing graph, and not if I make a new graph with use the installed version (2.6). Maybe thats another issue?
Do you have your IronPython package installed?
Kind regards
Hi christian, I didnt, but I now have. I dont see any difference…?
Which version did you install?
The 2.7 as recommended. But It told me that it is for a newer version of Dynamo. Wich one should I install? Thanks!
The version listed in the package description.
Test a basic Python function in the IronPython2 engine to confirm it works.
Im confused.
- When using af python script, I says its a Cpython3
- Running af script like you se bellow, it works fine:
- When checking the Preferences, Dynamo uses System Default, I can only choose Cpython 3 as the only other option
- In package manager, IronPython 2.7 is installed
Test script:
def test_function():
return “IronPython is working”
OUT = test_function()
Sorry if I miss something here…
Which version of IronPython 2.7? Just saying the package name is like saying the file is a .rvt in that it is built for Revit but we don’t know which version of Revit.
Note you likely want to ensure you are only loading packages from the default locations (do this in the settings in Dynamo), and that any existing IronPython packages are removed from the system (do this in the file browser after closing Dynamo and Revit).
Version 3.2.1 it looks like, and I should have the latest 2.x right - as in 2.5.0?
I was confused that the older versions was moved from package manager to Package details.
It is the only Ironpython that is installed, and in this locations:
C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.19\packages
This indicates you installed version 3.2.1 of the IronPython2.7 package.
You are not using a supported build for your Dynamo instance as per the package description.
If you are on Dynamo 2.x, use the latest 2.x version of this package.
Per that you want to uninstall your current package and install version 2.5.0.
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Thank you very much Jacob, it worked out for me.
Maybe obvious, but in general for all packages, will the Dynamo version always have to follow the package release versions?
Like Dynamo 3.x = Package 3.x? I dont se any logic for the package releases - som have numbers, some have dates - but you get prompted if the release do not work within the open graph.
If is, that you dont want to mix versions you install i suppose… With time, then I have to upgrade all my 2.x graphs to graphs to 3.x? or is it possible to swap between versions in Dynamo? No, I cant have multiple versions installed…
No - there is no enforced standard for version alignment. The Python alignment was just a happy accident. You can look to Mesh Toolkit as a Autodesk authored package which doesn’t align.
Yes. In fact every update to Revit should come with an expected “automation maintenance” effort (using that term as it isn’t just Dynamo which is impacted, but all tools). You should test, fix, and re-deploy for each change to your Revit environment (including updates, patches, new versions, and add-in updates/changes). Before testing you should get the ‘updated package version’ for any and all packages (i.e. install the right Archi-Lab; install the right IronPython, etc.). This is easiest to do in a clean environment (no packages) where you just install the version needed (be sure to read the package descriptions carefully), and making sure the library gets a new package on each install. Then screenshot what you have, and close and restart Revit. Launch Dynamo again and you should have alignment on packages in the library with the screenshot. From there testing fortunately can be completely automated by way of journal automation - you just have to validate it worked and save to the deployment directory. And if they fail and take more than a few minutes to resolve, save them in a ‘update when you have time’ folder.
This is a poor policy for your IT team to review, as there is no longer a way for you to validate graphs execute cleanly in both the old and the new. Each Revit release should be made available to you as a computational designer or Dynamo user, with a budget set for maintenance and development of your automation routines. Perhaps an uphill battle, but if they can’t provide such then you should let them know that each year you’ll have to start from scratch on all the time saving automations.
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