I was thinking today about hangers and pipe clamps. It would be ideal if hangers/clamps were able to be linked or hosted to the pipe they are containing, and then able to read the pipe parameters.
This may seem useless, but if the above ability was available to us then we would be able to implement a smart tag. Instead of having to manually punch in the Pipe’s system into a Hanger/Clamp’s parameters, and then having an annotation tag report out that parameters value; we would then be able to have the hanger read the Pipe’s system name, and record it into a dynamic parameter, and then the annotation tag would be able to report that value.
I don’t think Revit has this ability implemented yet, but I was curious what other users think. We use almost exclusively MEPFabrication content but I think it would also be useful if the above feature was also able to work with Revit Pipe, just for good measure.