Hey! I have searced the internet for a way to put values in to project information parameters, similar to an Type/Instance for an element. I havn’t find anything, it this possible?
yeah sure should be doable could you show what you have tried so far in dynamo ?
I havnt’t really tried becaouse i don’t know any node that will filter the Project Information parameters. I work with multiple different products but in this case it’s a spiral staircase. I want to put it’s Pset_StairCommon properties in the top of the project, i can’t have it attached to any element.
No not really sure ;)…you can get all parameters for project info parameter [categori] , and set as well, to whatever i guess
Hi, here is a code i created to change some parameters values like fck and eci, two parameters i created being a shared parameters for project info, so on the category i selected project info.
Do you already have parameters assign to Project Information to fill out or do you need those too? You could also try Global Parameters if you wanted to use those values on project elements.
This worked very good, thanks!
Yes i did. Rafaels simpel solution worked just fine, im kinda new and back from summer vacation. There was never a problem just a messy mind from my side. Thanks for your tip!
Yeah it worked just fine! I gues my monday brain was abit messy Thanks for your help!
np! happy it worked
thanks…and you could automate create parameter as well