ProtoCore.DSASM.StackValue Dictionary

I am 99% certain this has been answered somewhere before, but I can not find it in my searches.

I am working on a script that connects to online parcel data via an API, grabs the coordinates, converts them to points within my coordinate system and draws the parcel on the layer of my choice. Super simple, but I do not typically work with dictionaries all that often, so what am I missing here with this error? Normally I can get through it, but this one is destroying my soul today.

Thanks in advance…

Follow this.
I got the same error in my script for Coordinate system nodes when I upgraded it to 2023 from 2021.
Also found it on other nodes which one I don’t remember right now.

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Thank you so much! It didn’t even cross my mind to close the .dyn file and reopen it! :man_facepalming:

I have one script that I have to do that for when I make changes to it periodically.

Thanks Anton!


@jehart I believe this issue was fixed in the 2.15.2 hotfix and 2.16.1? Is there a chance you can test your workflow in a Dynamo version > 2.16?

So it worked in 2.13 (C3D22) and will install the hotfix and test it there next.

Yes, it was a regression in 2.15 I think, and was fixed soon after in the next hotfix release, and the next minor release.