Hello I am starting with Dynamo but I am at a standstill.
I have a problem when I tried to project an image on a surface divided with adaptive panels.
It look like the image don´t adjust at all the surface. But I don´t understand why this is happening because the image and the surface have the same proportion.
If any one know how to fix this problem I will be gratefull.
Thank you very much!
Here is an example with rectangular surfaces. See if you can adapt it for Adaptive Components
File: ImagePanels.dyn

This is really helpful! Since I’m not as well versed on design script, do you have a method for defining the coordinate system by a plane? I see that it is defined by origin but how can you break this portion out so that you can essentially project the pixel surfaces onto a predetermined plane? Thanks!
Here is a version with nodes. Hope it helps.
File: ImagePanels.dyn

Thanks for that Vikram. This was definitely helpful to understand the derivation of the origin plane for the surface instances. I hack around on my end and created a version that uses Nathan Miller’s Lunch Box node to “project” the color values of the image onto a selected surface. Take a look and tell me what you think: