Hello everyone,
I´m new here and working on a dynamo script to reimport data from an excel sheet in a revit model. So far so good but I have difficulties to reimport the measurements from my family. I am using the “Data.OpenXMLImportExcel” with “Reader.GetValue”, List.DropItems, List.Transpose an GetItemAtIndex knots to read the data from my excel file. For the transfer in Revit I use an combination of the following knots: Categories, If, All Elements of Category, List.FilterbyBoolMask an All Elements in Views, Element.SetParameterByName - to transfer the data back to revit. The reason I use the category knot is that we want to transfer the same shared parameter we use in our part list.
The script does work for the most parameters and I can reimport them in Revit. Nevertheless for the measurements I can read the data out of the excel sheet but I can´t combine them with the parameter from the part list and can´t transfer these back to Revit. Can someone tell me if it is possible to reimport the meassurements from Excel to Revit and what I have to do, to make this work?
Thanks in advance!