Problem with using def function within a def function

Hi, Dynamo experts!
I’m trying to create a closed line with points and controlled by strings using if else function, but at first I needed to change the numbers in the list,so I created a def function so I can make thing easier(I have lots of them to change), then I want to create another function for the lines, and use the former function I created to trigger the numbers inside.

well it worked if I don’t use def function, why is that? what is wrong with the second node?

Thanks in advance, need help!!

this is my code
center point : (0,0,0)
Gong_Type: string
CD: Number

function a:
def C_F(CD,list1:var)
Cai_Deng = [Imperative]
if (CD == 1)
return = 0.6;
elseif (CD == 2)
return = 0.55;
elseif (CD == 3)
return = 0.5;
elseif (CD == 4)
return = 0.48;
elseif (CD == 5)
return = 0.44;
elseif (CD == 6)
return = 0.4;
elseif (CD == 7)
return = 0.35;
elseif (CD == 8)
return = 0.3;
return = null;
result = list1 * Cai_Deng * 3.12;
return = result;

function b:


def centerfunction(Center_Point:var,GongType:string,CD)
LC_P_X = C_F(CD,[-10,-10,-5,-5,5,5,10,10]);
LC_P_Y = C_F(CD,[0,4,4,5,5,4,4,0]);
HC_P_X = C_F(CD,[-4,-4,4,4]);
HC_P_Y = C_F(CD,[5,15,15,5]);

if (GongType == "H_G")
return = PolyCurve.ByPoints(
elseif (GongType == "N_G"||"G_G"||"M_G"||"L_G")
return = PolyCurve.ByPoints(
return = null;

Best practice for definitions is that they are created in their own code block and called separately. Best to keep them grouped in one area of the graph. In your case the definition also doesn’t process as you just defined it, never called it.

Make a new codeblock to call both functions and see if that helps.

I still get null, maybe it is the problem with

got it! the problem is with the points = [center_point,O_T_P,L_T_P], it works after deleting it.

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