I`m developing a custom package for the company i work for. It works perfectly for revit 2020.
But it doesn`t matter what i do, the package simply can not be loaded into dynamo versions for revit 2021, 2022 and 2023.
I`m creating a folder at %appdata%\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit%Dynamo Version%
Dynamo versions are:
2.6 for Revit 2021
2.12 for Revit 2022
2.13 for Revit 2023
when i manually try to load my assembly from %appdata%\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit%Dynamo Version%\packages\MyPackage\MyPackage.dll dynamo says it couldn`t load the assembly.
On the notifications tab of dynamo i get the following message.Dynamo.Exceptions.LibraryLoadFailedException: Failed to load the library: MyPackage.dll
When i press show details it states the following:
Error generating the library: Mypackage.Dll
Failed to import Mypackage.dll
Exception of type âProtoCore.BuildHaltExceptionâ has been fired.
I`m going insane with this.
Any help?
Thank you all in advance