Problem importing surfaces to Revit

Hello to everyone,

I’m new in this Revit and Dynamo world so my problem may be easy but I can’t solve it. I’m trying to define a script which allows me to select several points in a surface, which represent the location of an imperfection (such as humidity or oxidation), and then create a family with this shape.
After creating the family with this shape, I am trying to add some parameters to it, so the users can specify type of damage, seriousness level…

I’m able to do all the first part, but when I have the surface, I’m not able to continue. I’ve been trying springs nodes but with no positive results.
I was finally able to create my family, but not to introduce parameters. Any help would be really appreciate.
Thanks a lot!

Hello @Alvaro …dont know whats wrong here, but i see your solid from surface is only 0.001 thickness…

or you can try this one here…

Thanks for answering.

When I introduce everything in that node, what I got is null for instance and family.


Can you disable all the geometry previews except the last shape you are writing to a family? I think you might be making a form which Revit is struggling with.

Hello Jacob, thanks for answering.

Of course I can do that. I don’t think that’s the problem because with the regular node (FamilyType.ByGeometry) it works. However, with the Springs node it doesn’t.
In addition, I don’t know if I’m using wrongly the node Parameter.CreateProjectParameter, because after creating the family, I must add some parameters in order to specify information about seriousness (integer scale) or the damage type (string: oxidation, humidity…).

I attach screenshots of the code with all the views disabled, and also the file in case you need it.


Parche-v13.dyn (48.6 KB)

Can you edit the family created by the FamilyType.ByGeometry node to show what is in it?

Sure. Now that you have suggested this, I have realised that the script is actually working and creating both family and parameter.
However, the geometry that is creating is not what I was expecting.
In addition, I don’t know how to change the value of the parameter defined as “Seriousness”.

As it’s shown in the image, the surface is not adjust to my curve face. Instead, is tangent to it.

(Sorry everything there is not in English, but I work in Spain)