Hi all,
I’ve an issue with ‘print settings’. First time it run it, its all working fine, but after running it with player or when I’ve done it a couple of times, I get this strange error. The output node is all of a sudden double…
And has anyone an idea how I can save the pdf automatic? Now I’ve to psuh ‘save’ for each PDF still, eventhough with this script…

You are likely using an out of date package. Make sure everything is out to date (Revit, Dynamo, and your packages), and try again.
thnx @jacob.small
Oke, then I’ve a noob question, Revit is up-to-date, but for dynamo I’ve downloaded the the DynamoCoreRunTime, but inst not an installation file. Do I copy it in the folder in program files? Then in Dynamo core? And should I keep the folder the same?
You need an installer version to interact woth Revit (ie. 2.0.3 or 2.0.2).
okay, because I’ve 2.0.3 and Revit is 2019.2.1… so do you’ve some other ideas?
Update your packages now. one Of them likely isn’t built for Dynamo 2.x.
@jacob.small, its from Archi-lab_Grimshaw, but strange enough, I cannot find in under ‘search packages’, but also not on the website… 
That worked, I dont have archi lab grimshaw anymore, but the node now comes from archi lab itself
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