Hello every one,
I’m trying to make script that converting 2D polylines to Pressure pipes. But when I try to run, dynamo convert only one polyline.
Any one know how to make this script work for multiple polylines.
Attached the dynamo script, excel sheet for pipe run naming and test file
pressure Network.dyn (36.3 KB)
New Microsoft Excel Worksheet.xlsx (9.2 KB)
Pressure test.dwg (972.3 KB)
Set the node lacing to “Longest”.
@Ahmed.Kamal.Moussa Which one?
it might be little late but this might give the idea to people in future about the similar query.
pressure Network.dyn (46.3 KB)
Thank you for the example, it works with one Polyline. Can you help me, how can I use it for more Polylines? I tried it with 3 Polylines and create 2 perssured pipe only.