Polysurface.ByLoftGuides Bug


There seems to be an issue with the way ‘Polysurface.ByLoftGuides’ handles NURBS profiles.

I constructed a simple file to explain the bug. It contains 4 guide curves (also NURBScurves) and 2 sets of 2 profile curves (NURBScurves).

Profile set 1 was created by the ‘NurbsCurve.ByPoints’ node. When I loft these profiles along the 4 NURBSguides everything is fine and works as expected. See image 1.

Profile set 2 was created by the ‘NurbsCurve.ByControlPoints’ node. When I loft these profiles the 4 NURBSguides get ignored and the result is a straight loft. No yellow warning is presented. See image 2.

In my opinion this is a bug. Is this the right place to report this issue? Can something be done about this or is this normal behavior?

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