Points from Pipe Network Structures

Hi all,

I would like to be able to export Pipe Network Structures to a point file (CSV, or txt) with the following comma separated columns.

PNEZD. Point number, Northern, Eastern, Elevation, Description.

Point Number, give it a start and have it increment.
North and East from the insertion point of the structure.
Elevation from the Insertion Rim Elevation structure field, or the a selected surface at that point.
Description should Pull the Structure name.

Would also like to create a similar file from a pressure network, using Appurtenances, fittings, and surface elevation.

This really seems like something that Civil should have a command for? But Since there does not seem to be one, is this possible with Dynamo.

Thank you very much for any time you spend on this.


Yes, absolute possible. If you extract the structure from the pipe network you can get the location for the structure.
What have you tried this far? Please share your script and a example dwg

Thank you very much for responding. I feel I should know so much more about dyamo scripting by now, but all I can do is manipulate slightly and run the player.

The dwg I attached should be useful. But I only know enough about dyn scripts to see if the output and input is available, and they seem to be.
The input:
“current document”, and I have a “select pipe network” from another dyn I have.

The in between:
I got nothing…

The Output:
I found some Camber nodes that will output structure Elevation, and one that will turn Structure.Location into a “point”

Found a node that will turn a Structure.Name into a string.

So that should Name, Elevation, and Location… need a number sequencer and in between list etc… and output to a text file.

I should know the “in between” by now, and also how to output to a CSV text file, but I still have not got that far. Any help would be appreciated.

DynamoTest.dwg (993.3 KB)

I understand.
Have you seen this session of Dynamo Office Hour?

Thank you for those links. Hopefully I will have time to got through them soon. But anyway for the dyn above, it turns out we do not need it… the Toolspace Toolbox Report Manager makes a csv file with all the needed info to make a point file for staking structures.

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