Plane at parameter, Dynamo

I want to make columns with a certain thickness. In order to do that, I first create plane at parameters. I struggle to understand how to parameter works. Usually, I choose parameter 0…1…#any number, but this time it behaves differently, and distributes over all columns, even though I used exploded. Could anyone help me with the understanding of parameter?

try using just 0 in the codeblock

You re adding planes to the list od curves. If you want to add plane only to one of them, use, GetItemAtIndex node and set index to 0.

Btw, #any number means random distance of the plane and start point (or at least, that’s what I’ve understood so far). Why did people called distance "parameter’, idk… This is the result when u put 0 in code block.

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It worked to use GetItemAtIndex for each column, thank you!

Amigo @Ferd buenas. just to give you more context, generally the nodes called *AtParameter, need a value or values from 0 to 1 as if they were a % if you have several elements you have to modify the lacing of this node to apply the same series to all the curves or elements in question.