Placing Void Family

Hi all,
I am trying to create a script which will place voids in my floor when pipes are penetrating vertically and am having some issues.
The current issue is this. I have created a face based family which contains a void. It is set to cut with void when placed and when placed on the floor manually, it cuts a hole as it should.
When I use the script, it places the correct family, but does not cut the hole, as per the highlighted image.
Any ideas why this might be the case?

Assuming you mean you Hosted Family has a Void set to cut the Host on placement.

Spring Nodes has a Node to placed hosted families. The reason your Family is not cutting is that is does not have a Host. (Select the Dynamo Placed family and look at the Instance Properties, you should not find the Floor as a host there)


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Thanks Bjorn,

You are correct, there is no host in the family when selected. I tested this with two options in the graph, first by using “Categories”, which selects all of the floors in the model and secondly by using the “Select Model Element” method. I was assuming that because you have to specifically select the floor to run the script, it would be the host, but it isn’t.
Makes sense why it isn’t working, so thanks for that.

I do have the Spring Nodes Package installed but but it does not have the node you have mentioned. Can you tell me which version this belongs to? I’m currently running 82.8.2

If you need void in floor better create floor based family and the place the respective place.

HI Vijay,
Yep, tried that too and had the same results. The void wont cut the host floor when placed with dynamo. I was making it a face based so it could be used on walls and ceilings as well as floors.
I think there is something in Tools4Revit that does this using the interference check function.

Have you tried this node yet?

Hi Jacob,
Im not sure which version of the package it is from, so I will need to track it down. Short answer, no, I have not had a chance to try it as yet.

I just installed this laptop about a week ago, so this version is in the last release of Springs. (204.1.0)

But that package has had a “place a hosted element” Node for as long as I can remember, it might have a slightly different name in an older version. Just do a quick search for Host filtered by Springs.

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This may help too: Dynamo Dictionary