I’m planning a Dynamo to place rebar around the pile.
I try to use Create.FromCurves which in ‘Structural Design’ Package.
But I am getting an error.
Please let me know what is wrong with this graph.
Thank you.
I’m planning a Dynamo to place rebar around the pile.
Thank you.
Hola Amigo @Yasu buenas. I’m not sure but I think the node requires a curve, and you are giving it a Line, apparently rebars nodes are strict with the type of data they require to work, I hope it helps!
Hi Gilberto,
Thank you for your reply.
I found the list format is incorrect.
I add ‘list flatten’ and ‘list chop’ to modify list and it go well.
Thank you.
Glad to hear that you solved nice work, and thanks for the feed back, have a nice day buddy!!