Place wall by corners coordinates


How do you place a wall by its eight corners with coordinates?

Cheers, Pontus

Assuming it is a regular wall (a cuboid), you can use the available information to determine the and create a center line at the base of the wall and it’s height. Then use the Wall.ByCurveAndHeight node to create the wall.

Thank you Vikram_Subbaiah for your quick answer! I need to place the wall based soley on coordinates. As I have done with the rectangel, I wanna do with a wall instead:


Hi @pontus.jakobsson ,
As @Vikram_Subbaiah said, you can model walls from your rectangle using WallByCurveandHeight Node. Just make sure to explode your rectangle in order to get the curves from it.

Hello Pontus, a sketch or something smiliar would have helped a lot. Have you got eight coordinates like this?

Thank you Mostafa_El_Ayoubi! It isn’t exactly what I am looking for, but definitely on the right way. Much better than I have achieved before.

Eina_Raknes, it is exactly as your picture shows. Eight points based on xyz-coordinates. And I would like to draw a wall between those eight points.

For example, I have 8 xyz-coordinates that a wall needs to be placed at:

  1. (0,0,0)

  2. (0,0,10)

  3. (10,0,10)

  4. (10,0,0)

  5. (10,2.5,0)

  6. (10,2.5,10)

  7. (0,2.5,10)

  8. (0,2.5,0)

This results in these eight points:

Is there a way to place a wall solely on these coordinates?

Appreciate all the help!

Here is definition based on my earlier suggestion …

WallPoints.dyn (15.1 KB)

Thank you Vikram_Subbaiah! I haven’t learned enough to understand what you meant in the first post, but this is exactly what I was looking for!

Thanks for all the reply, you guys are amazing!

There’s one error though that I’m getting. It can be because my lack of skill, but I post a picture here just in case anyone of you know what’s wrong:

Check if the units are consistent across Dynamo and Revit
For example, if in Dynamo you have 9,3,1…, then the Length unit setting in Revit should be meters.

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Yep, that caused the error. When I changed the settings to meter, I’ve got a nice wall:

Thank you all again for the help!