Place spot elevation on floor in the center of room in revit

i trying to place spot elevation in center of room. I try this script but it doesn’t works. Please post if you have any idea.

I think it error in get location process if you want to get location by room element location you can use this node but if you want to create point at the center of room you can create some geometry from room boundary and find location by condition that you need.

I try this one then my PC hand and Revit closed.
there are more than 370 rooms is this due to large no of rooms ?

May be you input wrong data in the ‘‘SpotElevation.ByPoint’’ node it need room and view for create spot elevation room in each view but room that you input on it is all of room in project. I think if you filter room in active view first and input point from it may be it can solve your problem.

yeah and try filter out unplaced-unbounded rooms maybe

This works fine Thanks

Consider using All Elements Of Category In View, as you’re currently set up to tag rooms on a given level that might not align to your view.

yes this one also works