Spot Elevation By Point not working in Revit 2019

Hello Guys,
SpotElevation.ByPoint form Clockwork package not working in Revit 2019.0.
Can you suggest alternate option or node for placing spot Elevation by point.

Hi @honeyjain619,

You can try with the SpotElevation ByReference node which is more flexible and also works in section view or elevation View. But you have to get references in addition to points.

spot elevation

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It works for me…

Maybe try a very simple example to get it going and then up the complexity?

Perhaps it has to do with list management? Maybe you need to keep your list lengths equal or something?

Hope that helps,


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Hello, First of all let me thank you for your excellent package. It has helped me lots.

SpotElevation.ByPoint was working, but not with linked files. I am trying to place a spot elevation on every room. I need to place spot dimension in my “documentation file”, which has no geometry nor rooms.

I’ve been trying to use your node SpotElevation ByReference, with no luck so far. I think that I am not understanding what should I place in “reference” and on “spotDimensionType” (I tried pointing a DimensionType, but haven’t find any SPOTdimensiontype yet).

I hope you can help me.