Place schedules on sheets by co-ordinates (imported from excel)


I am trying to place schedules on sheets by co-ordinates (imported from excel)

  1. I have script that has extracted the schedules and their co-ordinates from a template file.
  2. I have transferred the schedules to my new file, but would like to place them by the co-ordinates that I retrieved from the abovementioned template file.

So far, I can get the data to import, but using that data logically and efficiently is I am struggling with.

Question 1: - extracting the data


Separating/Using the information , there are 22 sheets in this set, so it’s not bad, but this feels inefficient…
is there a better way? (I’m not a python user yet)

Question 2 - using the data

I have been down the rabbit-hole of this one - and many more linked to it, including the blog, and haven’t found anything to match my particular issue.

I have made sure the lists structure match the required structure as mentioned in the posts.

Once I extract the information for the Python Script and try and run the script I get the following error.

  **'str' object has no attribute 'ToXyz',**

Is it because the points are imported from excel and read as strings values? How do I tell it to be a point list again?

Thanks in advance.

Export/Import .dyn below

Export_DataFromExcel.dyn (25.3 KB)
Import_DataFromExcel.dyn (132.6 KB)

The Viewport.Create Node from Rhythm has no problem handling Schedules. I would take a look at that instead of a python script that you’re not familiar with.

Might be worth mentioning that the placement point of schedules is different from ‘regular’ views. (I though it defaults to top left)

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Thank you! I didn’t realise that node would handle multiple views on multiple sheets, also places correctly to the co-ordinates that I had extracted from another file.