Place familyinstance on each floor plan view

Hi everyone,

I have trouble placing family on each floor plan view in my project, I’ve tried and google everything but nothing that I find usefull.

The Instance is placed only on those views that is not a copy, so in my case I only get 2 instances placed insted of 6. I can understand why and it all comes down to familyInstance.ByPointAndLevel.
But how can I resolve this??

Need your help.
Best regards

Amigo @BIM_Mrbrango buenas, I analyzed a little your script, it seems that you feed the position parameter directly with the origin, I don’t know if this is the intention, maybe dynamo are placing all the instances in the same point, the other observation is that maybe you should change the lacing of the node to longest.

Hi and thanks for your input @gilberto.arechigaiba.
The same problem occurs, only 1 floorplan set gets the family at its location.

So for FloorPlan 1, FloorPlan 2, FloorPlan 3 the family is placed where it should.
When I try to create new floor plan views thru dynamo, the family Instance is placed only in existing views so there are double of that instance in these views.


Here is what the family looks like and placed at 0,0,0

Srry for the delay broo, can you share your .rfa and .dyn script to explore what the probleme could be please?? :slightly_smiling_face:

6-Placera Enkla namnrutan på Modeller.dyn (48.2 KB)
Project1.rvt (5.1 MB)

I’ve tried so many solutions since posting this, trying to recreate what I had.

Thank you most humbly for the help

Amigo @BIM_Mrbrango, in these situations is where you realize that your professional colleagues did not pay attention to their basic physics classes, checking the units is fundamental!!
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: the problem is the units and magnitudes you were trying to use.
jokes aside I strongly advise you to check your units and scale frequently if possible daily, believe me you do not want to deliver a project and that this in the wrong units, basically your problem was that the family you made is very large when you try to insert it in points that are very close it seems that only inserts 1, but in reality they are correctly inserted but very close to each other!! besides the Anotations Familys are anotatives, this means that will change his size depending of the scale of the view, keep this in mind to!!

Srry i forget save the .dyn and i close it but is not to dificult to recreate, i hope this can help you!!