Place dependent view on sheets

I already have all my dependent views with scope boxes. I need to place them on sheets

Rhythm’s Viewport.Create or Sheet.PackViews will be the go to nodes.
For Viewport.Create, follow this input for going into the node if you want one view per sheet. You also specify the origin point, that being the center of your ViewPort’s bounding box.

For PackViews, it’ll place the views in the bottom left corner of a sheet within the TitleBlock

Hope this helps!

Thank you Patrick, I will try your script.

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Patrick, some how I cannot get the package spring nodes. when I tried to download, it says that I already have it. But I don’t see it in my library

What version of Dynamo do you have?

see the attachment

I assume you’re in Revit 17? If so, I would download the spring nodes package for the 1.3.x version of Dynamo, which is 132.2.8 and on top of that update your Dynamo version to 1.3.4. The latest version of the package might only work for the 2.x versions of Dynamo.


Hope this helps.

Patrick, I was able to download this version. Did you change the Node’s name? when I search for “Collect.CurrentSelection” I don’t get anything

I did not, the node is named differently in the previous versions.

Thank you Patrick for your time. I have to come back tomorrow to continue. I really appreciate your help.

You’re very welcome!

Patrick, I just copied your script but doesn’t work. Is this part of a bigger Script or just have 4 nodes?. Let me show you what I need to accomplish.

You need to first understand how the “Springs.Collector.CurrentSelection” node works before you can get it to work, see link - I simply used that node to quickly attempt to recreate your scenario and show you that the “Viewport.Create” node is a node to place views on sheets.

For the “Viewport.Create” node to work properly, you’ll need to generate sheets prior if you haven’t already. If you have the sheets created, this workflow with the Springs nodes can work once you understand how the node works.

If not, you can use the already created views to automate the creation of sheets via using Rhythms “Sheet.Create” which is looking for a TitleBlock family type. You can use the created dependent views to cycle (duplicate) the title block family type by counting the amount of views there are so when you plug that into the Sheet.Create, it’ll make the same amount of sheets for dependent views, an even list. You can use the views names from your dependent views if you like, to generate the sheet name and generate a sheet number. Once your sheets are created, use that same data to plug into the Viewport.Create node and the views you used to create the sheets.

I hope this helps!

Okay, so for the first collector node, it will be your sheets. You need to select your sheets first then either place the collector node, or toggle the refresh bool on the node.

After you have your sheets, do the same for the views.

Remember that the views and sheets list will need to be 1 to 1, any variation and you’ll end up with the wrong view on the wrong sheet. Start with one view and one sheet to test how it works, then once you understand it, you can move on to doing all of your views and sheet.

Here is a gif to hopefully convey how to use the node when working with the project browser.

Patrick, I got it and is working 100%. Thank you so much

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You’re very welcome!