Not all the Views are showing up on the sheets

Dear all,
I am trying to create dependent views and put these on the sheets by using excel. 1) Created views based on scope boxes, 2) Created sheets based on excel inputs, But when i want to put the views on the corresponding sheets, only some views are placed. I am no clue what’s the issue here is? Please help me to resolve.
Thanks in advance.

I believe @john_pierson has an updated node that uses the same code as the OOTB node you are using, not sure if he has published it or not. Also, he has a node in Rhythm that allows you to place multiple views on a given sheet called “Viewport.Create.” Hopefully, this helps!

Thanks for the reply.
i could’nt find the Viewport.Create node in rhythm. is there any other similar nodes you can guide me.


Please ensure that you have the most up to date version of Rhythm installed. Version 2018.3.21. The node is located Rhythm>RevitElements>Viewport.
Hope this helps!