Place a light based a point location

I am newbee in using Dynamo, I am trying to set a light based on point location;
the problem is that everytime I run the script the light goes under the point location as shown here.
How to solve this ? thanks in advance.

1: What is the Z point you’re setting it to? Is this correct?
2: How is the family set up? It could be a faulty family.

1: I though it will take Z from that point location on the curve.
2: Maybe I dont know I could simply drag the family then place it. It will directely set on the ceiling

Check that it has.

Then check the family base point. ~Maybe there’s some offset in the family?

Amigo @exmove069 buenas, how are you today?? take a look a this post, has what you need!!
by the way use the node Family Instanse by point and level, this way you put the ligth familly in the rigth level, that help you later!!

Hi, so I have an error :

your family is level base?? check this may be this is why gives you an error, normally the ligths should be ceiling base or free to be able to change the elevation or placed in the ceiling automaticly!

I just wanted to place the family based at point on curve that I have drawn on a ceiling. I have tried lot of methods none of them worked for me.

Can you share your .rtv with the familly loaded please to take a closer look to the probleme please??

Hi, I would like to move those point from 0 to 365 like Z axe,
thanks so much

Srry bro i don’t have Revit 2024 installed, i can’t help you rigth now, may be next month i will begin to make test to 2024 products.

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ok :slight_smile: How can I change all my Z from that list of point ? My last attached screenshot

This should get you started.


Is that an image for ants?

I have tried this one too, earlier today but did not place the light where I want.

How? Keep in mind Z is from 0.
I.E. So for the second floor you may need a Z value of 6000 instead of 3000.

In the recent past i created this graph for elements
who didn’t have a proper Host anymore (Host set to None).
Maybe it can help.

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Hi @exmove069 not sure probably something here could work for you …



Hi, Thanks so much, I am trying to understand how nodes are connected and what is the function of each one, as newbee :slight_smile:.

Thanks everyone.

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yeah try play around with it :wink:

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