Place a light based a point location

Kinda matters if your Family is either Face Based or not (for my or @sovitek approach).


yes @bvs1982 you are right ;)…in my test i just use users sample file and the family there was facebased…

Missed that :see_no_evil:. You were more sharp-eyed than me.

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hhehe dont think so, just lucky and lazy :wink: :wink: anyway personel i think it best with facebased here so their will follow if thing change …

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Hi sovitek,

I really like your script, nice job!

How are you getting the non-rectangular ceiling to populate correctly? I have your script working and I am using face hosted air terminals, but the air terminal array is always rectangular.

Thank you,

Hi @Thatcher you could try set rotation


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HI @sovitek,

This is useful, thank you. I meant how you were able to get the fixtures distributed only on the non-rectangular ceiling in your example, which is oriented along the XYZ axes, but has more than 4 sides.

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Hi @Thatcher not really sure what you mean i dont have more than 4 sides in that example…i just sort these out with measure area…but its basic about get some vector from a line for , find the degree and rotate…

Hi @sovitek ,

I’m sorry for the confusion.

In your example from 23 Feb, the distribution of light fixtures does not appear outside of the non-rectangular ceiling. I replicated your script, but did I only get rectangular fixture arrays that may generate elements outside of the ceiling.

I suspect my version of the script does not match yours. How did you prevent the problem in my screengrab?

Thank you.

arhh now i understand i think :wink: try test these location point intersect the surface…


Thank you, thank you, @sovitek!

I got it working. :+1:


awesome :wink: thats great :wink:


I am having some trouble, your script is working well so I’d like modify it then get something.
1- Would like to center that point on my face of a space.
2- My fixture is looking up, if I’d like the fixture look down or get that face wich facing dow inside the space, I have tried modify Z value but, it’s not working proprely.

Hi @exmove069 im happy something could work…in other situation.create a new topic

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Okay thanks.

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