Pipe.Geometry (or Pipe.Curve) failed. Could not create Plane! Some of the vertices may be collinear!

Hello everyone,

I’m working on a Civil 3D drawing created by another person. I’m trying to draw the feature lines to represent the pipe’s invert, but if I try to extract the pipe’s geometry using the Pipe.Geometry node (or the Pipe.Curve node) Dynamo returns a Warning:

I realized that certain pipes are slightly curve, while other pipes are arcs. Therefore, I used the pipe start/end points to obtain lines to create a polycurve for the feature line.
However, our client is not happy, because he wants also curved feature lines.
Is there another way to achieve this result?
Many thanks to everybody.

@l.florio is the geometry scaling set to Medium?

No is set to Extra large.


In the drawing I exploded the pipes that are problematic and I realized that these pipes are composed by Spline. Maybe this is the problem, can API handle Spline?

Leave the geometry scaling set to medium.


Thank you so much it works.

Hi everybody,

I want to reopen this topic because the problem still exists.
Thanks to @zachri.jensen now I can get the geometry of all pipes (only three pipes are missing):

but when I create the Feature Lines they still do not fit the axis of the pipes:

Thanks for your help.

Can you share the files?

Share file and log


Test_2.dwg (3.7 MB)

Autodesk_Civil3DToolkit.txt (22.0 KB)

@l.florio I can’t reproduce the issue with the null pipe curves. It works fine for me.

But I can reproduce the issue where the feature lines are not created properly for curved pipes. The log file you shared is for Dynamo and not for the Civil 3D Toolkit package. You need to go to Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp and share the Autodesk_Civil3DToolkit.log file.

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Sorry my bad. I update the post above.

Thank you for your help.