Hello everyone, I’ve been trying to make some pipes based on a set of curves I selected for a few days now, but without success! I’ve followed and followed different discussions here on the channel, but I still can’t find the error in my routine. Could someone give me a little help?
what does the error message say?
“This custom node contains invalid input, please correct it before saving it”
be sure you have dynamoironpython package installed if in 23-24… 2.7 ver 2.5…and open the node and check its set to ironpython 2.7
Yes, it is in these settings. However, when I opened the node, the following error message appeared: “This input symbol is not currently valid and cannot be saved until it is corrected. Valid inputs must have the following format: name : type = defaultValue The input name must be a valid variable name, with no spaces. The input type and default value are optional.”
seems you have 3.0 if 23-24 then version 2.5, and rename your name Lines to lines and save
So I reinstall ironpython in version 2.5?
yes try that, as i assume you are in 23-24
my revit? is 2025
arhhhh thats another thing so if its mepover dont think its upgraded yet for that, without a little bit modify…anyway try open mep instead works in 25
sorry, which mep are you talking about? I’m pretty new here
The mep package?
no worries mean this one here Releases · chuongmep/OpenMEP · GitHub
If you look at those input nodes which are stacked on top of each other, therea re af ew class names used as inputs. Change Lines
to lines
(lower case), and SystemType
to systemType
(start with lower case) and any other input node so the first letter is always lower case.
I will try to do that! Thank you very much!
Guys, I followed your idea and corrected both the IronPython version and the name of my curves. Now the problem is different, the following error appears: Revit has encountered an unexpected error. The operation has been canceled to protect your project from being corrupted.
The pipes are created as shown in the image, but their geometry does not appear in the project or in the Watch.
Guys, thank you very much! I managed to find the error. Some lines were overlapping and causing the error to appear. Now the pipes are created, but they do not appear in the watch node, but they are created in the model, so ok.
Hi @cbpires98 ,
The Watch 3D node is to view Dynamo geometry in a 3D viewer, similar to how you have the background 3D view. Those pipes are Revit elements and thus not directly viewable in Dynamo. If you want to view the geometry, you’ll have to extract their geometry using nodes like element.geometry to see it in Dynamo.