
Hi all,
I can’t understand how to use the two node “Pipe.ByCurveFeatureline” and “Pipe.ByPolyCurve”
I’ve tried to use either Civil3D feature line and 3D polyline but doesn’t seems to work.
What kind of input is required?

@Alessandro1985 are you using CivilConnection in Revit right?
That node creates pipes following a curve (polycurve) along a corridor feature line.
You need to create a polycurve first, you can use the Featureline.PolyCurveByOffsetElevation or Featureline.GetPoyCurveByStationOffsetElevation at your convenience.
Then you can get points at chord via Featureline.PointsByChord to have same lengths for the pipes in the pipe line.
The featureline input is used to compile the ADSK_ parameters on the pipes to enable the model update.
I’ve added an example to the repo on GitHub that shows how the node work together LINK

Thanks @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1
Do these nodes accept landfeatureline? I often use civil3D feature line (not the ones from the corridor) as alignment for piping.

The geometry curve could be originated from a land feature line but the node was designed for corridor application. Can you create a corridor from that feature line using a MarkPoint as a subassembly (basically a corridor with one code associated)?