I’ve got quite a weird situation where in a dynamo script I collected all walls by selecting all elements of category show the geometry using the element.geometry node. Thing is, in dynamo there are more walls then I have in the revit project…
Note: This is not a new project and I have sketched and deleted walls prior to using this script.
Might be still in the model. But not visible in that view.
Try to select elements in view and try the geometry.
From Can't see it in the view? Here's 33 reasons maybe why - Revit Forum
Check to see if:
- The object or category is temporarily hidden
- The object or category is hidden in the view
- The object is being obscured by another element
- The object’s category or subcategory is hidden in the view
- The object is outside the view’s view range
- The view’s far clip depth is not sufficient to show the object
- The object resides on a work set that is not loaded within the project
- The object resides on a work set that is not visible in the view
- The object resides on a work set that is not loaded in a linked file
- The object resides on a work set that is not visible in a linked file
- The object resides within a group (detail model) and it has been excluded from the group
- The object is part of a design option that is not visible in the view
- The object is part of a linked file that is not visible in the view
- The object has one or more of its edges overridden to display as ‘’
- The object is a family and none of its geometry is set to be visible in the view type
- The object is a family and none of its geometry is set to be visible at the view’s detail level
- The object is set to not be visible at the category’s detail level
- The element has been placed outside the view’s crop region (visible extents)
- The element is an annotation object and does not reside entirely within the annotation crop region
- The object’s phase settings or the view’s phase settings prevent the object from displaying in the view
- The view’s discipline is prohibiting the visibility of the object
- The object is affected by a filter applied to the view
- The object is subject to an element override, set to color
- The object is subject to a category override, set to color
- The object style is set to color
- The object is constrained to a scope boxes that is not visible in the view
- The extents of the object itself don’t permit it to be seen
- The object is a mass, and ‘Show Mass’ is turned off
- The object’s host view has been deleted (area boundaries)
- The view’s scale is prohibiting the object’s visibility
- The object is a linked instance with coordinates too great for Revit to handle
- The user has incorrectly identified the link instance to which the element belongs
- The object is in a link that is not in its correct position…
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What do you mean by check events in view?
Do you get phantom walls in Denmark?
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hehe not much try to stay away im more into pipes
Spelling mistake corrected now. its “elements”
Seems like the walls is on a higher level but when I reveal hidden elements in view - the walls don’t appear…
This is a 3d view but also one the level views it does not appear…
delete wall if don’t want. And move on
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This was the problem - it was an architectural wall and I was in structural!
God knows why I would have used an architectural wall…