Periodically overwrite the problem

In this part, thank you for helping me solve the problem of FamilyInstance.ByPoint.

place-component with periodicity.dyn (28.5 KB)
place component model.rvt (3.5 MB)

I am going to try to place components periodically.
But I found that when the program is executed,
The components placed in the previous loop will be overwritten and will not remain in the model.
Is this a normal situation?
Is there a way to keep the components?

A quick question, why do they need to be placed periodically? And not through some List.Lacing to longest?

This is just the test I want to do now.
I mainly want to solve the overwrite problem.

do you mean the element binding problem?

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It is an elememt binding issue. You have two options.

  1. Use the timing to pull the level list/points and feed that to the element creation node.
  2. Use a transaction to force each element to be created and released by Dynamo.

Sorry, I don’t quite understand the meaning of these two methods.