May 16, 2017, 11:30am
Is it possible to create geometry similar to the below image using dynamo?
This topic in the primer looks somewhat close to what I wish to accomplish.
If so, I’m thinking I can create a (.sat) mass in revit (as the firm does not own Rhino) then work with it in this fashion.
If you have any example graphs/definitions or tutorial videos you found useful I would be very grateful for that.
Thank you,
Hi @JAC ,
the primer is probably the best you’ll find. There’s also this old topic : Re-orienting Curves
You should give it a shot a post any question/issue you might have here, I’m sure you’ll get answers
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It was an April fools joke, but the idea is the exact same.
May 16, 2017, 2:04pm
Thank you for your help everyone!
I seem to be experiencing unresolved nodes, is this due to me missing a particular package?
Edit: I’ve just come across the mesh toolkit by dynamo, I’m now assuming this is the one required.
Kind regards,
Can we have the script for this? please :)?
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Of course. Attached is the DYN and the STL I read. This version of the graph has notes as well explaining the process a bit.
cardboardDog.dyn (22.1 KB)
and the STL I had used:
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1997161/ (attribution:
https://www.prusa3d.com/printable-3d-models/ )
Thank you john ! do you have the mesh Package you use too?
Available in the package manager. Search for Mesh Toolkit
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