Parametric Design Help

Hi all,

Our office is currently working on a design proposal which requires to model the parametric geometry as shown below, the proposed area size is around 1000m2
Image 01
I started some initial work on a conceptual mass with a series of polycurves, did get the petal shape, but as surface was divided for curtain panels, couldn’t get the geometry to match the fluid form.

We are at the very early stage of the design concept, I would like to get some help to see if can this be done via dynamo and Revit or a different software? And if there’s any technical readings / tutorials you can suggest?

FYI: This referenced design was done by a previous colleague who had grasshopper experiences.


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Find out all you can on the Synthesize Toolkit (by @Karam_Baki )
Good luck

Thanks for the tip Marcel, I will have a crack and keep the progress here

You could try to understand and build up on this …

bdr01 = Rectangle.ByWidthLength(50,20).Fillet(5,false);
bdr02 = bdr01.Offset(-2).Translate(0,1.5,0);
bdr03 = bdr02.Offset(-4).Translate(0,3,0);
bdr05 = Circle.ByCenterPointRadius(Point.ByCoordinates(0,5),2);
bdr04 = bdr05.Offset(1.5);
prm01 = Math.RemapRange(List.Flatten(List.Flatten([1..5..#10,6..100..#10],-1)+(0..800..100)<1>,-1),0,1);
prm02 = Math.RemapRange(List.Flatten(List.Flatten([1..15..#10,16..100..#10],-1)+(0..800..100)<1>,-1),0,1);
prm03 = Math.RemapRange(List.Flatten(List.Flatten([1..75..#10,76..100..#10],-1)+(0..800..100)<1>,-1),0,1);
prm04 = Math.RemapRange(List.Flatten(List.Flatten([1..15..#10,16..100..#10],-1)+(0..800..100)<1>,-1),0,1);
prm05 = List.DropItems(0..1..#(List.Count(prm01)+1),-1);
pnt01 = bdr01.PointAtParameter(prm01);
pnt02 = bdr02.PointAtParameter(prm02);
pnt03 = bdr03.PointAtParameter(prm03);
pnt04 = bdr04.PointAtParameter(prm04);
pnt05 = bdr05.PointAtParameter(prm05);
hgt01 = List.Flatten([0..3..#90,List.Reverse(List.DropItems(0..3..#90,-1))],-1);
pnt11 = List.Transpose([pnt01,pnt02,pnt03,pnt04,pnt05]);