Parametric embedded family with dynamo

Hi everyone !

I have to create several families of embedded plates and integrate them into a Revit project. I have their dimensions and positions as input data.

The objective is that the plates are embedded in the wall. I can do it manually with metric families per face but I need to automate it.

You will find below my script with what I get and an example of what I would like to get (done manually).

The plate has the wall as host, it is well placed by face (according to if I want to place it on a wall, a slab or a ceiling) BUT it is not in the wall, it is in contact.

The family must :

  • parametric
  • have the wall/ceiling/slab as host
  • be integrated in the wall/ceiling/sla
  • be oriented in the right direction (that’s why I have to use as template one family per face)

Do you have any idea how I can fix it?

Thank you

Is there a specific reason you are using Dynamo to create a parametric Family?
It seems harder to do this all in Dynamo than to do this directly in Revit (as a host based family).


yes, I have a lot of different plates, with one or more different input parameters and they are all referenced in an excel file.
I would like to create them simultaneously from the excel.
(They do not necessarily have the same number of studs and the same dimensions.)
I could create them manually directly in Revit but it would take a lot of time.
Currently with my Dynamo file, I can create them in a few seconds, however they are not in the wall but in contact. I thought I could fix this easily …

Is the manual example a manually modelled family or only a manually placed instance of the family type created by Dynamo?
You haven’t shown the placement part of the script, only creating the type.

  1. Open the created family and check how its geometry is placed relative to the sample face - maybe the bolts are sitting on top of it.
  2. Unless it is impossible or extremely hard to do I would model the family manually and use Dynamo to control its parameters based on the excel files and to place instances.